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  • 1935/36 Glaser Ford - helpDatum19.06.2018 00:48
    Thema von jal9846 im Forum Ford, Lincoln

    I recently purchased what I am calling a 1935 Glaser Bodied Ford, 5 passenger cabriolet. This car is identical to the Dingman Collection car, which many know as a "1936" model. I am looking for any and all information related to this car, including any production information about # built, proper year to call it, where i can find the correct Glaser badging for lower cowl sides, information about interior RR quarter side panels, rear view mirror, etc.
    The vin number is 48-2640551, which is strange to me because all Ford VIN starting in 1932 used an 18- prefix, but this frame clearly has the 48 stamped in it and I believe it to be original stamping based on the letter type and location. If I decode this according to Ford VIN sequence, it would be in the 1936 model year run....but the grille is of the 1935 type. Did German ford models in 1936 carry over the 1935 USA grille style?
    My car is also missing the lower cowl badges and I am looking for a source for originals or new reproductions. I currently have some emblems stamped that say "Autohaus Eipperle Stuttgart" on there, as they came with the car. Any info on these would be helpful as well...I assumed they are some dealer who may have ordered the car?
    I am also looking for information about clocks, and if there was a German made clock that would have fit into the large center hole in the dash. The USA clock would have went in the glovebox, and was much smaller diameter than the center dash hole.
    [[File:EFV8 Meet 1.jpg|none|auto]][[File:EFV8 Meet 2.jpg|none|auto]][[File:Glaser at EFV8 Meet.jpg|none|auto]]

Inhalte des Mitglieds jal9846
Gläser Anfänger
Beiträge: 1
Ort: USA

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