I have nothing found for it. But it looks like a one-off private-work in using a lot of DKW/IFA F8/9-parts. For example, the steering-wheel is IFA-F8 for shure ..., ... created around 1956 ...,
for the rearend I have in similar look only found the (NSU-)Fiat 500-Roadster/Spider. Maybe in Poland was talented private-coachbuilder, to make his best in bringing together all parts, he can find at home with additional PL-Fiat-help. http://www.google.de/search?num=10&hl=de...iw=1120&bih=543 ...,
Hi Frank, A fine link you send me there,the rearend looks a littel as mine.I bought the dreiard in Kassel for many years ago,the guy told me it was built in germany,sow I was hopeing that someone mayby new the car regards michael
I have many books for the German Micro-cars in the first 15yrs after WW.II and additional for the other European countries. But nothing looks nearer as the NSU-Fiat-back. If it is created around Kassel, it was GB-area in this years. For British cars I haven't look. If You find any reason for a GB-car-back, I can spend time with my GB-(micro-)car-books to find something. In this years often You take one look for example and will try for creating it similar by yourself ..., ... I am shure for private work. Also for a small serie You plan it with 4 tires ...,
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