Lajos Zupka set up his carriage company in 1886. His son, Lajos Zupka jr. attended coachbuilding courses in Paris at the turn of the 20th century. When he returned home and joined his company, he persuaded his father to work on automobiles. Eventually in 1922 a new company, Lajos Zupka and Son was registered. Lajos Zupka sr died in 1923. Lajos Zupka jr. led the company, who was joined by his son, Lajos and daugher, Margit before the 2nd World War. The Lajos Zupka&Son company shot to fame when they bodied a Mercedes-Benz for Count Joseph Habsburg, who was a prominent figure in Hungarian politics. They were also regular participants at the Budapest Concours d'Elegance events between 1928-1931 and from 1934 again. A Zupka-bodied Mercedes was awarded in 936. In the late 1930s Zupka built a few steel bodies based on MAVAG-Mercedes chassis. The company survived the 2nd World War, partly because Margit was married to a Swedish businessman and the Zupka company received some protection. The family emigrated to Switzerland, except Lajos Zupka jr who tried to save his company. Eventually it was confiscated by the Hungarian state in 1949. The last member of the Zupka family left Hungary in 1956.
There are zero books on the complete history of Hungarian coachbuilders. There is a 3-book volume published on the history of Uhri/Uhry (forerunner of Ikarus works), with a 4th volume coming out soon. If you are interested, I can also arrange copies for you
with the 1st. title > The Hungarian text means > 248 pages ; 500 pics ; 4.800 Ft = ~18;--€ and add. sending-rate?
For zero/nothing about Your cachbuilders - am I to early for asking for it - or, maybe, in a few years You would be able to answer with 'yes' for the same question?
Best wishes and greetings from GER to HUN is sending You Frank (Wollenberg)
and thank You for Your answer. In first I am very interested to add a copy of the 'Magyar Autó book' for complete 33;--€ to my (~1.500-car-books-)collection.
The rest will be half-private - not insterested for the open part of this forum. So, I will write Yu a PM for more ...,
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