as far as i see it could be a Steyr 220 Gläser model. The numbers in the papers are correct for Steyr 220 models and the engine in the picture looks like a Steyr 220 6 cyl engine. The bodywork is a Steyr 220 Gläser Sport model.There are some Gläser Sport models in Austria, Germany and even 1 in Amerika which will probably give templates for the missing parts. Little chance to find any parts for bodywork and technic. pastelist is also correct for this type. You can send me a PM for more info and pictures. steyr 12 I see now that your query was in german hope you don't mind and can read my english version. steyr 12
Good morning Steyr 12. Thank you so much for kind answers . I will normally operate in the market of vintage Porsches but i stumbled over this car from Usa . Iv heard about this brand, but i had small or no knowlegde about them .
But the seller in Usa know it is a bit rare but even he is not sure about value of it . He will normally trade in italien cars but we spoke some times and i have been collecting several cars from him . He picked up this car from a barn in Pennsylvania 5 years ago . The car is complete , even all wood frames are complete and all sheet metal for the rear end is there . Roof pilars for the cabrio is also there , front lights and rear lights to . He started picking the car down but it came to an end , this car will need full renovation .
I really would like to have more info from you , can you please send me an email ? I have much more photos id like to share with you . My email is : Best regards from Jan in Norway
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