Recently, I purchased a Nash Ambassador 8 Cabriolet from 1936. From the history of Nash we know that Nash didn’t build convertables of this straight 8 Ambassador. The previous owner told me this Nash was converted by Gläser in Dresden. All I know of its histor is, that it was transported to the Netherlands in 1973, by a surtain Mr. Heinhuis from Enschede in Holland. He picked it up in the city Assens on the Danish island, and brought it to the Netherlands. We also know it was owned by the company “Collector Cars” in the city Zwevegem in Belgium. In the same year it was registred in the Belgium city Zelzate. We would like to have some more information about this Nash. Perhaps there is someone on this forum that can have some background information.
Many thanks for taking the afford to helpus with the identification of my Nash Glaser? There are no numbers at the hinge you asked about. I hereby enclose some detail pictures of the specific parts you mentioned. I hope you have enough material to Judge my Nash.
very nice car, but i don´t think it´s a Gläser body, as many details don´t look the way Gläser made them in 1936.
On a Gläser i haven´t seen Kiekert (the firm is still the biggest supplier of car locks in the worls!) car locks by now. Even if similar door handles were used on many Gläser bodies, the whole door locking mechanism and wooden parts look really different.
Also the locking points for the roof aren´t "Gläser Style", like the bent frame of the windscreen!
Also the three door hinges aren´t typical Gläser like many other little details.
Perhaps some one can identify this probably european body!
Good luck and if you find it out somewhere else, please inform us!
Hi, would be interesting to have a picture of the bulkhead inside the engine compartment especially upper right right side to see if there are 4 screw holes for the Gläser data shield. Also a picture of the top of the A pillar of the bodywork where the top meets the body and windshield and a picture of the complete windshield from the front of the car. Gläser had a patent for their top mechanism. Where are the spring for the top located? Cant really see it on the pictures provided. Kind regards steyr12
i still can´t tell 100% if it´s an Gläser body or not! Some details look like Gläser, some not! The view from the front looks like Gläser, but i haven´t seen a bent windscreen frame by now!
The second picture in the links shows the hinge of the hood, which is easy to look up. Is there a piece of alloy screwed on top of the a-pillars? If yes, open the screws and search the underside of the alloy piece for a number.
thanks for the pictures of your Nash. I agree with Axel. Some similarities with Gläser practice. I always thought that only Gläser used 2 handles to open the door so this could be a strong point but i stand to be corrected in that point. The bulkhead looks reworked so we will not find the 4 holes for the Gläser serial number plate. Next step is to look in the places where Axel said und to look at the places the link of Axel shows to find any number. Have made pictures of a Gläser Steyr 120 top in Salzburg recently .To me the mechanism looks very similar. To the last black and white picture i see a similarity but the doors open on the other side and has only 2 windows. steyr12
hast Du noch mehr Bilder von dem Steyr 120 Gläser? Mich würde die Innenausstattung und insbesondere die Türverkleidungen interessieren! Wenn ja, kannst Du die bitte unter der Steyr Kategorie einstellen.
Hallo Axel, ich habe heuer im Frühjahr 10 aussagekräftige Bilder von dem fraglichen Steyr 120 Gläser gemacht und kann diese gerne persönlich senden, bitte um mailadresse, mf
Servus Axel, hab nur Bilder vom Dach gemacht weil ich die Bilder mit dem Nash vergleichen wollte. Manfred ist ein ausgezeichneter Fotograf und hat sicher tolle Bilder . Bitte aber wenn möglich auf der Forumseite für Alle zugänglich machen. steyr12
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