We found the number 100 47 15 on the cap of the steering gear. It's in according with ETK for Steyr 220, but I haven't ETK for Steyr 100 or Steyr 125. Also there are numerals 713 or 718 on the right side of firewall (file P1010324.jpg). We didn't find any other numerals, maybe, it will be possible after sandblasting. Axle base is approx.2845 mm, very close to Steyr 220, but, sure, it's very difficult to catch the difference 15 mm between Typ 220 and Typ 120.
The parts on the car + hinges + aluminum lining rear fenders belong to this car, other spare parts are from other different Steyr's.
The car will proceed to restauration in one month, but it's absolutly unclear the construction of tail element (wood framework at first) and cabriolet's mechanism.
Also there is one more unclear moment for me. I never seen Keibl badge on the photo (like, f. e., Glaeser). He didn't put it on the car body?
You can see the Keibl logo in the upper left corner of the picture in thread #4. On your car, it can be seen next to the door. I copied the bigger logo in the picture of your car on the second picture.
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