Ich habe mich länger mit dem Anbieter unterhalten, es sucht weitere Informationen zu diesem Fahrzeug und wird sicherlich auch bald zu diesem Forum stoßen.
I visited this Nash in Holland yesterday, 3 June 2014. It is indeed a 1935 twin ignition straight 8 cylinder overhead valve Nash Ambassador. I have owned over the years nearly fifty Nashes, many from the 1930's.
Nash did not make a convertible in 1935. The car was no doubt shipped to Europe, Denmark apparently, as a chassis. As the top of the Nash line for that year it is almost certain that it was bodied in Europe. It would appear to have some Glaser "signature type" work; both on the top mechanism and positioning high up on the body when open. From other Glaser bodied cars of the mid-thirties, one can conclude that given the high quality workmanship and engineering of the convertible body itself (the mechanism for the door windows for example) the Nash is a GLASER bodied NASH.
There is no plaque to indicate this, but as the car was restored at least twice in its life, that is not surprising.
Does anyone in the forum know whether Glaser put numbers anywhere on the bodies they built? I would like to own this car, especially if it can be said beyond a reasonable doubt that it was done by Glaser.
If possible could any comment on my thoughts be in English or French ?
As already discussed in another thread, it´s very untypical for Gläser, that the doors are fixed with 3 hinges. the interior looks like Gläser. If you want to know more, please send pictures of the cars A-pillar next to the windscreen including the fixing mechanism of the convertible roof. As far as i can see on the pics, these parts aren´t "gläserlike".
Where to find Gläser numbers on the car is described in this thread:
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